How my interest in investment began I’ve been putting off this type of content for months. Wasn’t sure whether I’m ready to start. Nonetheless, we need to start somewhere after all. …
April 2005: Elements of Hart’s Primary and Secondary Rules
State the elements of Hart’s primary and secondary rules. (6 marks) LAW531: Jurisprudence I – April 2005 According to Hart’s theory of law, the law can be analysed through the lens of…
April 2005: Kelsen’s Idea of the Grundnorm
Explain Kelsen’s idea of the Grundnorm. (6 marks) LAW531: Jurisprudence I. April 2005 Kelsen’s Grundnorm (translated as basic norm) is the fulcrum of his “Pure Theory of Law”. According to Kelsen, this…
April 2005: Austin’s Improper Law
Elaborate on what you understand by ‘laws improperly so called’. (6 marks) LAW531: Jurisprudence I. April 2005. According to Austin, law is a social fact which reflects the relationship between power and…
Can a Special Session of Parliament be called to Elect a Prime Minister?
Malaysia held its 15th General Elections after the 14th Parliament was dissolved. The Elections Commission convened and set 5 November 2022 as the Nomination Day and Polling Day on 19 November 2022….
April 2005: Savigny’s Volksgeist
Explain what Savigny meant when he stated, “Law grows with the growth and strengthens with the strength of the people, and finally dies away as the nation loses its nationality.” (6 marks)…
April 2005: Fuller’s Eight Desiderata
State the eight (8) desiderata which, according to Fuller, would provide coherence and logic and order in a legal system. (6 marks) LAW531: Jurisprudence I. April 2005. In The Morality of Law,…
Looking Back at April 2022
Note: This April 2022 reflection was first published on my personal Facebook profile on 5 May 2022. Looking back at #April2022, I am glad to share some professional accomplishments: 1. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION…
Delegatus Non Potest Delegare and its rules in sub-delegation of powers.
This was the second question for our recent Administrative Law test. The first part can be accessed here. Similar to the previous question, I received an eight out of 10 marks. The…
Can a Minister’s aide Convey a Notice of Rejection?
This was my answer to the Individual Test for our Administrative Law. Based on the evaluation by the lecturer, I received 8 out of 10 marks. The answer script was copied and…